Thursday, March 22, 2007

Counting Calories

I was watching the Today show recently. Their health/fitness/nutrition editor was being interviewed by Matt Lauer regarding the most popular diets that people are trying to follow these days. She had actual plates of food on display - representative of each particular diet. She then went on to pontificate upon the fact that no one could follow any of these diets for too long, as they all were too restrictive. I tended to agree with what she was saying until she made the statement -

"It's all about counting calories."

What really gets me is how people (and particularly this "expert") can make such casual statements on national TV without a proper understanding of what's really going on. I guess it's due to the overwhelming sway of popular thought to believe such misinformation. The fact is -


It's about chemicals and pesticides and hormones and toxins in the foods we eat, the water we drink, the lotions that we put on our skin, and the air that we breathe.

The truth is that our bodies are "fearfully and wonderfully made". Yeah, I'm quoting a bit of the Bible here, but the veracity of this statement is that our bodies are incredible machines. We were created to eat to our heart's content - the foods that are NATURALLY available to us. Most of the foods we eat these days are not NATURAL at all. In fact, they have as many chemicals and harmful additives as they do real nutritional content.


It's not rocket science, it's actually good common sense. And it's not even hard to wrap your brain around the issue. Think about it the next time you put "food" into your mouth. Read the label. If you don't understand the contents, then you're putting something into your body that ultimately will cause you health problems.

If this is the kind of stuff you're eating on a regular basis, then quit asking yourself, "Why am I fat and sick?" Instead, ask yourself, what foods can I change in my diet that will make me lean and healthy.

Once you make this transition, you'll be well on your way to being a much healthier person!

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